Photo credit to Madeline Bohrer

Bellamy Rose bio: Bellamy Rose has never solved an actual murder. When she’s not writing about them, she spends her time trying to taste every cuisine in the world, befriending all the animals she meets, and publishing non-murdery rom-coms as the USA Today bestselling author Amanda Elliot. She lives with her husband and daughter in New York City.
Amanda Elliot bio: USA Today bestselling author Amanda Elliot lives with her husband and daughter in New York City, where she collects way too many cookbooks for her tiny kitchen, runs in Central Park, and writes mysteries under the name Bellamy Rose.
Amanda Panitch bio: Amanda Panitch spent most of her childhood telling stories to her four younger siblings, trying both to make them laugh and scare them too much to sleep. Now she lives in New York City, where she writes dark, funny stories for teens, kids, and the pigeons that nest on her apartment balcony.
Photo credit to Cassie Gonzales